How to Reset Network Settings on Android?

Resetting network settings on an Android device can help resolve various network-related issues, including the "mobile network not available" error. Here's how you can reset network settings on an Android phone:

Please note that the following steps may vary slightly depending on the Android version and phone model.

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android phone. You can usually find it in the app drawer or by swiping down from the top of the screen and tapping the gear-shaped icon.
  2. Scroll down and tap on "System" or "System & updates", depending on your phone's settings menu.
  3. Look for "Reset options" or "Reset," and tap on it.
  4. Tap on "Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth" or "Reset network settings," depending on the option available on your phone.
  5. Confirm the action by selecting "Reset settings" or "Reset network settings" again when prompted.
    Note that this action will reset all network-related settings on your phone, including Wi-Fi, mobile data, and Bluetooth.
  6. Your phone will then reset the network settings, and once the process is complete, it will reboot automatically.
  7. After the phone restarts, you may need to re-enter Wi-Fi passwords, and reconfigure any network-related settings, including APN settings for mobile data, if required.

Advantage of Resetting Network Settings

Resetting network settings on an Android device can be beneficial in several situations, including:

Resolving network-related issues:

If you are experiencing problems with your mobile network, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth connectivity, such as the "mobile network not available" error, resetting network settings can help in resolving these issues.

It clears any misconfigured network settings, resets network connections, and restores them to their default values.

Fixing network conflicts:

Sometimes, conflicting network settings or outdated configurations can cause network connectivity problems. Resetting network settings can help in clearing any conflicting settings and resetting network connections, which may help in resolving network issues.

Improving network performance:

Resetting network settings can also help in improving network performance, as it resets all network-related settings to their default values.

This can help in optimizing network connectivity and improving data speeds, especially if you have made extensive changes to network settings previously.

Troubleshooting step:

Resetting network settings is often recommended as a troubleshooting step by mobile service providers and phone manufacturers for network-related issues.

It is a relatively simple step that can be performed without losing any personal data or apps from your phone, making it a convenient option to try before more drastic measures like a factory reset.

Restoring default network settings:

If you have made multiple changes to your phone's network settings and want to revert to the original default settings, resetting network settings can help in achieving that.

It resets all network-related settings to their default values, providing a clean slate for network configurations.

Why should I reset network settings on my Android device?

Resetting network settings can be helpful in resolving network-related issues such as "mobile network not available" error, fixing network conflicts, improving network performance, and restoring default network settings.

It's often recommended as a troubleshooting step by mobile service providers and phone manufacturers.

What happens when I reset network settings on my Android device?

Resetting network settings clears all network-related settings on your Android device, including Wi-Fi, mobile data, and Bluetooth configurations. It restores these settings to their default values, and you may need to reconfigure them after the reset.

Will resetting network settings delete my personal data or apps?

No, resetting network settings does not delete any personal data or apps from your Android device. It only resets network-related settings and connections.

However, it's always a good practice to back up your important data before performing any changes on your device.

Do I need to reconfigure my Wi-Fi and mobile data settings after resetting network settings?

Yes, after resetting network settings, you may need to reconfigure your Wi-Fi passwords, APN settings for mobile data, and other network-related settings, as they will be restored to their default values.

Is resetting network settings reversible?

No, resetting network settings is irreversible, and it cannot be undone. Once you reset network settings, all network-related settings and connections will be cleared, and you will need to reconfigure them manually if required.

Final Words:

It's important to note that resetting network settings will not erase any personal data or apps from your phone, but it will reset all network-related settings to their default values. If the "mobile network not available" issue persists even after resetting network settings, you may need to contact your mobile service provider or seek further assistance from a qualified technician.